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Purcell Painting Appraisal
Looking for an Appraisal of a Purcell Painting?
Our business is run by Purcell family members who have a deep understanding of Joseph and Tela's painting history, their technique, and current market value.
If you are looking to have a better understanding of the value of your painting, we can provide an appraisal for you.
What we need from you: Photos of the artwork (front, back, and side on, in good lighting), dimensions (height and length in Inches) - emailed to purcellartgallery@gmail.com
What we will provide:
A PDF of the appraisal signed by Tela Purcell, and a mailed version to your address.
Appraisal will come with a description of the art work (scene, medium), estimated age of painting, estimated current market value (a range)
About art appraisals:
The value of art is dynamic and is based on a various factors. These include current market trends, composition, quality, medium, amongst other factors, our assessment takes these into account.
**** Please note we are not a registered art appraiser or ADAC members